Kohei Watanabe

Python, Swift Lover

About Me

Hello, my name’s Kohei and I’m a backend engineer who loves AI and serverless systems. As well as developing apps, I also have experience research in machine learning filed.

My google scholar link is https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lejuP2AAAAAJ

I am passionate to learn new things and like to share the knowledge. Refactoring, TDD, DDD interests me a lot.

I am most skilled in: Cloud App Development, Data Analysis (includes Deep Learning), iOS App Development, and Eating Ramen(especially Tonkotsu)🍜.

Tech Stack: Python(advanced, especially usage of pandas), SQL(advanced), SpringBoot(middle), Node.js(middle), CI/CD(middle), iOS(middle), React(beginner), Android(beginner).


Memorizing Team Generator (React with AWS Amplify App)


React and AWS Ampflify are used.

I created this smart team generation app for people in charge of events such as the drinking party who need to break up the group. Source Code: GitHub Link. Japanese documentation: Qiita Link

wisdomy (Book Management iPad App)


Firebase, RxSwift(MVVM) were used

I created a sample book management app for my working place and released it to AppStore with bitrise CI/CD pipeline. Backend was totally supported by Firebase and I learned how Firebase make it easy to create apps. Also, I learned RxSwift and MVVM.


Woven Planet Holdings


Software Developer

July 2022 - Present

Developing City OS related things.



Software Developer

September 2018 - June 2022

Developed Home IoT app. Love to review codes and setup CI/CD systems. Developed AI PoCs.



Data analyst (Part-timer)

March 2015 - March 2018

Analyzed multi kinds of data such as POS data or images using comparatively new machine learning models such as topic models, tensor factorization, deep learning. Read some papers appeared and implemented them using Python



Artificial Intelligence Researcher (Intern)

June 2017 - September 2017

Created some bandit algorithms (GMRF, GP-UCB, etc) that optimize the hyper-parameter of machine learning models


The University of Tokyo

M.S. Mechano-Informatics

2016 - 2018

I was a member at machine intelligence (Harada) Lab. , where I researched in Computer Vision. Mainly I worked on domain adaption and infrared image recognition and published some papers.

The University of Tokyo

B.S. Machano-Informatics

2012 - 2016

I was a member at machine intelligence in UbiComp (Shimosaka) Lab., where I researched in IoT. Specifically, we developed a human activity recognition system in smart-home utilizing multi kinds of data gained from smartwatches, beacons, and electric energy meters.

I spent a lot of my free time as a mechanical engineering member of RoboTech (Robot Contest) Club

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in software engineering some of my other interests and hobbies are:

  • Shogi (3-dan)
  • Jogging (attended Oume Marathon)
  • Netflix (loves Schitt’s Creek, Modern Family, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE, etc)